Much concern has been raised in the trucking industry, regarding the use of robots, and replacing skilled truck drivers. In fact, many believe that it is one of the main reasons why there is such a shortage of drivers today. You might even be asking; will a robot take over your driving job?
While robot technology has come a long way, and has replaced some positions in other industries, it will most likely be years before any robot will completely take over truck driving. While some companies want to be on the cusp of changing technology, there are plenty of trucking companies out there that want the “human touch” in their delivers – truck drivers!
If you are concerned about whether a robot will replace your driving job, here are just a few things to consider and keep in mind:
- Many trucking companies will never move to automated driving, therefore, there will still be a need for skilled drivers. It is important that you diversify your contacts and network, therefore, if and when the time comes where you need to move to a company that is not employing automated technology, you will have the needed contacts.
- Continually work on your driving skills. It is thought that many trucking companies are still very skeptical of the robot driving, and how it will handle certain driving situations – bad weather, accidents, and more. As you grow your skill set, you become more valuable to the trucking company.
- The number one complaint about robot truck driving is the elimination of the human element. Work on your communication skills, customer service skills, and interaction skills. These will be important in years to come, and sought out by trucking companies not moving to robot technology.
If you are concerned about a robot taking over your driving job, you have little to worry about now. It is important that you stay current and consider these tips moving forward!
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