A Proven Track Record in Placements and Cost Savings!

We’re proud of our reputation and are committed to being your professional search business partner. Whether you are a professional in search of a new opportunity, or a manager of a transportation/logistics team, we can help you achieve your professional goals.

"My decision to make TransDirectUSA a business partner has turned out to be a good one. They are very easy to work with and have absolutely been a key contributor assisting us with our driver staffing needs."


VP of Operations

"TransDirectUSA has been a valued partner for our organization in helping us to meet our staffing needs. They have a agile approach with helping us to recruit, source, and hire quality team members, while providing us better visibility to our performance."

"We greatly appreciate all your help specially during the recent transition period we experienced. You provided us with an increased constant flow of candidates to supply the need left open by drivers not relocating with us, maintaining constant communication, updating us at every step of the process, sorting thru hundreds of resumes to find the right candidates for our operation. Your assistance has been very valuable for the completion of our relocation process."

Transportation Supervisor

Transportation Supervisor

"I would just like to thank you for all the time and effort you and TransDirectUSA put in to screening the candidates before I see them. TransDirectUSA has saved me hours of rummaging through applications looking for the right candidates. The time and effort you and TransDirectUSA put in to your work does not go unnoticed. Thank you for a job well done."

"Thank you so much for the awesome job this year recruiting for [us], as we look back we have almost doubled our Team Members this year and we couldn’t have done that without you. As I look forward to 2023 I’m confident that you will continue to provide us with quality Team Members."

Transportation Operations Manager

Transportation Supervisor

"[Your recruiter] has been a great asset to our staffing needs. She has been very proactive in helping our branch staff no matter what our needs are. She is dedicated and great about communicating to our branch and the drivers that we interview."

"Over the past year [your recruiter] has been very helpful in obtaining quality drivers that we are able to train and become part of our [company's] family. Her commitment to fully communicate with [us] almost daily has been a huge helping hand in getting the right fit for our team. Things change around here daily and [she] adapts to these changes with one simple call or quick email. Lots of times she may have a question pertaining to a candidate(s) that may or may not be good fit so she calls me. This high level quality customer service aligns with [our company's] way of doing business. We look forward in seeing what 2023 brings both [our company] and TransDirectUSA moving forward together."

Transportation Operations Manager

Transportation Operations Manager

"May I add as well, [recruiter], that you are very knowledgeable and communicate promptly and accurately. You have a genuine care and commitment to our business. I truly appreciate you taking the time to understand our expectations and needs in order to assist us in getting the most qualified candidates to choose from. Lately you have been getting a lot too! Thank you so much, [recruiter]."

"I would like to thank [your recruiter] for such an amazing job she has done for us. The flow of candidates coming in every week is great and her communication is outstanding. Any questions or concerns I have I am sure to get answered with one phone call. I appreciate all the hard work that has been put into us to help us find the best in the transportation industry."

Transportation Supervisor