Health and wellness is an area that most truck drivers struggle with. Being on the road for such long periods of time, unable to eat when needed, and lack of exercise can cause havoc on your body, and cause many health problems. This domino effect causes many truck drivers the inability to perform on the job as they should or want. Here are a few wellness tips truck drivers can use while on the road:
- Water, water, water. The majority of health problems arise because of dehydration. Truck drivers typically do not drink enough quality water while on the road, for a variety of reasons. However, it is critical to your health that you find a way to take in the required amount of water daily. Whether you carry your own water jugs with you, or purchase on the road, it is important that you drink plenty of water!
- Instead of eating at fast food restaurants throughout your day, consider eating more fruits and vegetables. Many of your fruits and vegetables do not need to be kept in the refrigerator, and you can grab and go with them easily while on the road. They are full of vitamins and minerals that you body needs while handling the daily stresses of trucking life.
- Try to limit the amount of stimulants you intake during the day. Things such as coffee, energy drinks, etc., only cause further dehydration and other health issues. These stimulants also can affect the function of your brain causing problems for your response time while driving.
- It is best to limit your intake of meats while on the road as well. They are harder for your body to digest. Instead try adding other protein sources, such as nuts to your diet.
Eating healthy while on the road is hard for many truck drivers. Try following some of these tips and make some small changes in your diet. Remember to get plenty of sleep and get some walking in when you can!
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