Truck driving is often referred to as an “easy” career, however, if you ask any seasoned truck driver, they will tell you it is a profession that demands skill, professionalism, and awareness at all times. Just as any other industry, there are pros and cons to working in this industry. There are many highs of the job, as well as, many dangers.
As you think about your trucking career in 2018, here are a few of the dangers you may not always hear about, but should be aware before becoming a truck driver:
- You were most likely warned about the hazards of driving tired, too fast, or even driving while distracted in driving school, however, these can be more dangerous than you think. In fact, many trucking deaths occur because of one of these three reasons. It is important that you understand these three areas and take every precaution to avoid them.
- One area that is not discussed much during your training is deliveries. It is possible that you may work for a trucking company that will have a delivery in a bad area. These unsafe areas are dangerous to truck drivers; therefore, it is important to know ways you can keep yourself safe in these situations.
- It is important that you never, ever leave with your truck without doing a full circle check. So many things can go wrong, such as losing a wheel, the load is not secured properly, and more. You must take the time to do the check!
You are taught during your training to account for so many possible problems and dangers. It is your responsibility to make sure that you take them all seriously to protect yourself from harm. As you begin your trucking career, keep these tips in mind, and stay safe!
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