For decades, hiring managers in the trucking industry have been asking the same questions, however, it is no secret that times have changed. Determining whether a trucking candidate is right for your company is more than just looking at their driving skill. It means knowing if they will fit your company’s culture, what type of ethics they have when it counts, and will they be a good fit, overall.
The typical hiring questions may have been great years ago, but today, you must dig deeper to get the answers you seek. Here are a few questions you should be asking your driving candidates:
- One of the most important questions you can ask your trucking candidates is, “What actions would you take if you were late to making a delivery?” The reason for the importance is because you want to know the integrity this driver has. Will the driver break the rules and do something illegal that could cost both the driver and the company fines and penalties, or will the driver calmly explain the situation to the customer? It is important to know how the driver would respond in this situation.
- Accidents happen, and in the trucking industry, they occur more often than cared for, however, how the truck driver handles the accident is valuable information you should have. Ask the candidate, what steps would you take if you were involved in an accident? Safety is a top concern in the truck industry and it is important that you make sure your hire understands and follows proper safety.
- Making timely deliveries is important in the trucking industry, however, many factors can deter a delivery from being on-time, such as weather, accidents, and even driver time logs. Since you understand how the candidate would handle making a late delivery (question asked above), it is also important that you understand how they would handle an irate customer. Confrontational skills are not something that most truckers have, so it is important to understand how they would handle the situation should it arise.
If you are looking to hire and retain your drivers, but having trouble doing so, perhaps it is because of the questions you are asking. Are you asking the right questions?
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